Freakin’ Mr. Perfect Johnson with his five trophies and his perfect wife and his perfect beard–throwing him in traffic would kill two birds with one stone…
*10.* Originally, he wanted to throw a contract offer his way but now is glad he didn’t.
*9.* A piece of ‘mystery debris’ but, as is the bane of the networks, was unable to find any.
*8.* An invitation to a ‘after race party’.
*7.* A giant turkey leg like the one he had in his car but he’d be damned if he was gonna throw his own!
*6.* Hang out on the track and throw a few safety workers’ helmets as well.
*5.* A knuckle sandwich.
*4.* Just an example of what his employee, Danica was gonna do later in the race.
*3.* A one fingered salute with both hands but alas, his hands were full of helmet.
*2.* The beer can that had been rolling around for about a half hour between turns 1 and 2 before officials finally noticed it.
*1.* Some hot lead but realized too late that he had forgotten to fill out the Tennessee forms for a ‘temporary permit to carry!
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