Who’s the weird looking guy in the 48 car? Is that the guituarist from ZZ Top?
*10.* I’m not even a month old and already, I’ve got an offer to replace the E-Trade baby in this year’s Super Bowl commercial!
*9.* No, Dad, actually I doubt I’ll be ready to run the Legends race at Daytona this February.
*8.* Do you get frequent flyer miles if your dad owns the plane? Hello Cancun!
*7.* If you cry long enough eventually Dad will but Budweiser in your bottle… #Imontothem
*6.* @AshlynNewman Hey, cutie, how are you? … Crap, was that public???
*5.* Mom, I really wish you wouldn’t tweet while breast-feeding me. I’ll be talking to my shrink about this issue someday.
*4.* Mom got me the coolest T-shirt today! It reads, “When I’m grow up I’m going to hate Kyle Busch, too!
*3.* Kinda nervous right now. NASCAR seized my diaper for a drug test and I might have had two Flintstone vitamins yesterday. Damn that Uncle Brad!
*2.* Next person to call me Otis is going to get one right in the kisser soon as I’m tall enough to hit them…. #stupidnickname
*1.* This just in: The Cope twins will NOT be my babysitters tonight! @DanicaPatrick, you available?
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