NASCAR on TV this week

Top 10 Reasons NASCAR Fans With No Sense of Humor Write In & Complain About These Lists

10. See title.

9. No one ever explained to them the saying, “It’s better to remain silent and appear a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

8. When they talk, all everyone else around them hears is, “blah, blah, blah, blah” so they resort to a keyboard.

7. Who cares! I just want to see how many people will still write and complain about this one!

6. It is their way of confirming that, “Yes, I am smoking crack!”

5. They are Brian France’s or Dale Jr.’s relatives.

4. They are pissed because their hair is constantly messed up from jokes flying just over their head.

3. There wasn’t the concept of sarcasm where they grew up.

2. They have never heard of nor seen a David Letterman show.

1. Like professional wrestling, they still think NASCAR racing is real!

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