NASCAR on TV this week

Richard Petty, Richard Childress National Anthem Remarks Leave NASCAR Teetering On Sponsorship Crisis

Sunday, Sept. 24, at New Hampshire Motor Speedway, NASCAR Hall of Famers Richard Petty and Richard Childress spoke out about protesting the American national anthem. It would be a full 18 hours before any other meaningful voice in the sport was heard.

“Anybody that don’t stand up for the anthem oughta be out of the country,” Petty said, threatening to fire employees who protested. Childress followed up, claiming kneeling would “get you a ride on a Greyhound bus.”

The question now is whether the sponsors they need to survive will buy them a ticket out of town.

That’s the corporate crisis NASCAR finds itself in Tuesday, picking dollar bills up off the floor from the tornado these two Hall of Famers created. The mood was somber as the sport struggled to react to companies disturbed over those opinions and President Donald Trump’s Sept. 25 tweet.

But while Trump supporters might be dancing with joy, those words rang hollow on Wall Street and in corporate boardrooms across the country. Remember, just a month ago, Trump business advisory councils promptly disbanded after the president blamed “many sides” for racially motivated violence in Charlottesville, Va., CEOs were running from, not revering what they perceived to be a white nationalist stance.

That link to racism was not lost in the comments made by Petty and Childress and for those well aware of NASCAR’s checkered past. Despite a decade-plus Drive for Diversity program, pushing for more athletes of various racial backgrounds, stock car racing remains predominantly white. Wendell Scott, the sport’s lone black winner on the Cup level, had to fight officials from giving the trophy to a white driver.

For Scott, those problems were in 1963, but first impressions are hard to break. In NASCAR, it’s the problem that just won’t completely go away. As recently as 2008, the sport settled a $225 million racial discrimination lawsuit with black former official Mauricia Grant. Among her claims were comments she worked on “colored people time” and was called “Nappy Headed Mo.” Even last year, there was a bizarre $500 million racial discrimination lawsuit filed against NASCAR by Terrance Cox III.

Such history means when it comes to NASCAR and race, there’s a narrative of guilty before proven innocent. So what happens when fears over the anthem get connected to minority discrimination?


It’s a problematic storyline for Petty in particular. That’s considering African-American driver Darrell Wallace Jr. is his primary choice to drive the No. 43 car in 2018. The team is seeking primary sponsorship after Smithfield announced its departure following the season. Without it, co-owner Andrew Murstein could close down the Petty team altogether.

That need for financial help creates another situation unique to NASCAR compared to stick-and-ball sports that supported the protests. While the NFL, NBA and MLB are swimming in cash, none of them need corporate sponsorship to put their product out on the field. The top teams in Cup have deals that approach $10-$20 million minimum to run a full 36-race schedule.

The environment for courting sponsors at that price was already difficult enough in 2017. Home Depot, Farmers Insurance and Dollar General are just some of the major companies who have chosen to walk away. Subway used an out clause as an excuse to run from the sport last month.

And now you have NASCAR’s complicated anthem stance, an instance where silence spoke volumes. For 18 hours, it looked like its opinion mirrored Petty and Childress.

By the time there was an official NASCAR statement midway through Monday, the wording was convoluted and vague. It danced around, directly contradicting the owners while making no mention of what would happen if a driver protested the anthem.

Those muddy waters disappointed those in NASCAR who vehemently disagree with Petty and Childress. Jeff Gluck’s article Monday spoke for many, including several on Frontstretch, while stoking the fire from both sides of the issue. Minorities involved in the sport, such as co-owner Brad Daugherty of JTG-Daugherty Racing, have yet to speak up as well.

But what we all think is largely irrelevant when it comes to NASCAR’s bottom line. Even if you agree with Childress and Petty, that opinion is near-impossible for companies doing business to accept. They preached a message of exclusion, where people who didn’t think like them are not welcome in their company.

How would a business spending that much on a sport justify an exclusive market, then, one whose ratings and attendance is already dwindling? These corporations are looking to sell their product to everyone, not just a select few. And no one’s looking to answer questions about racism or anthem protests the second they sign on the dotted line.

Then there’s the impact of millennials, that coveted 18-34 group NASCAR wants to capture. Only 37 percent of them voted for Trump in 2016. Who knows how many still support Trump or his stance on the anthem? And then out of that reduced percentage, who actually cares about NASCAR from that group?

If you’re going to sell a product, the way you get return on investment is by appealing to the largest number of people you can. It’s Business 101. Well, Sunday’s comments shrunk an already depleted ROI even further. Fortune 500 companies know it.

It’s worth noting Murstein, Petty’s co-owner and a New York City native, took a far different stand on these issues. Connected to the thinking of those big corporations, the Jewish owner was able to separate personal views and convey a message of unity.

Dale Earnhardt Jr. then followed up with two Monday tweets forcefully supporting those who chose to protest. But while his powerful quotes of Martin Luther King Jr. and John F. Kennedy were well received, their boost is short-lived. Corporate America knows retirement is coming in just three short months.

In the short-term, Earnhardt’s tweets may have saved the sport from a few extra bullets. But some damage is already irreversible. Already since the fallout, reports surfaced Tuesday about potential problems with the sport’s title sponsor. Monster Energy asked for more time to decide whether it’ll extend its deal beyond 2018.

Pure coincidence? Who knows?

But plenty of teams in this sport facing financial shortfalls for 2018 don’t have that extra time. Childress, while outspoken on the anthem, could face contraction as his third team sits without sponsorship. Major backer Menards is bolting for Team Penske, leaving his No. 27 team seeking a replacement.

How will he get someone to come on board? Will a company be willing to face the questions and say, “Hey, we hate the protesters too! We’re willing to give $10 million to a team you see every day to support their views!”

That’s the problem when sports and politics intersect, especially for one whose livelihood depends on corporate America. NASCAR’s official statement did not come with the name tag of CEO Brian France, whose outward support of Trump beginning in 2016 helped dig the sport this hole.

The Trumps may be thrilled they found a sport willing to back their personal viewpoints. A few older, white male NASCAR owners may have partnered with them by giving the opinion of a vocal minority.

But unless someone puts some money where their mouth is, those words could serve as a cannonball that sinks a number of race teams’ financial ships.

Tom Bowles
Majority Owner and Editor in Chief at Frontstretch

The author of Did You Notice? (Wednesdays) Tom spends his time overseeing Frontstretch’s 40+ staff members as its majority owner and Editor-in-Chief. Based outside Philadelphia, Bowles is a two-time Emmy winner in NASCAR television and has worked in racing production with FOX, TNT, and ESPN while appearing on-air for SIRIUS XM Radio and FOX Sports 1's former show, the Crowd Goes Wild. He most recently consulted with SRX Racing, helping manage cutting-edge technology and graphics that appeared on their CBS broadcasts during 2021 and 2022.

You can find Tom’s writing here, at and, where he’s been an editorial consultant for the annual racing magazine for 15 years.

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Brian H

Can someone please explain to me how standing for the National Anthem and showing respect for the flag of the United States has morphed into racism? If you love America, you’re racist? I may be a simpleton, but I simply cannot, for the life of me, wrap my mind around this. Can someone explain all the injustices that are occurring to spark such protests? Police shooting black people? Almost every police shooting has been found to be justified, and for the small number that were not, the policeman was charged, as it should be. Has there been one instance of a racially motivated police shooting? It almost seems that some segments of black America simply want to act with impunity. They should be able to shoot at cops, shoot cops, and ambush cops without repercussion. Thousands of police shooting protesters have been allowed to burn, loot, and destroy property while local governments turned a blind eye towards the acts in the name of “protests”. Where are those that choose to kneel when people blatantly call the murder of white people and / or police officers? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are two of the most racist individuals in this country. And as long as they are allowed to operate without consequences, I will be no supporter of these “injustice” protests.


So sick of this crap. Sick to death of it. This country has been percolating stupid for decades, it is coming home to roost in a big way! These corporate pigs bow to the trouble makers and everybody else is a racist who do not agree with this garbage going on today! Hang in there Richard and Richard, you are not wrong. They are! I pray!

John W

Racial, ethnic, religious, etc. issues are everywhere in every country. It’s not just an issue here and it’s not just a white people problem. Typical fake narrative and I’m tired of hearing about it. Are countries that are not majority white doing wonderful and having no issues due to the lack of white people? No issues in Africa? South America? Of course very few have enough of a brain to look at it from that perspective.
Where is a young black man safer? In Beverly Hills surrounded by a bunch of white people or in inner city Chicago on any given Saturday night? Just sayin.


Wallace is half white ….Why does that make him an African American?
Why the distinction?
Why can’t he just be another driver?
He seems to be a nice enough guy

Bill B

What I find interesting is that the method chosen to protest, disrespecting the flag and anthem, has become the issue being discussed. No one is talking about cops shooting black people. This makes the protest a total failure because the issue being discussed isn’t the issue for which the protest was started. A lesson to be learned here for would be activists. How you chose to protest is more important than what you are protesting.

I will also point out that Petty and Childress were just stating their opinion on how they felt about the issue of their employees disrespecting the flag and anthem. Why are they now being painted as the bad guys? We all know the answer to that, because our culture has been hijacked by PC leftist thugs that preach diversity, tolerance and inclusion but only if you agree with their agenda. If you have a differing opinion then diversity, tolerance and inclusion go out the window.



I agree about the diversity, tolerance and inclusion line, as last night I was called a hateful racist b&^%h last night for saying that I had a problem with football teams kneeling during the anthem. My statement was that if they want to protest, that is all well and good, but protesting while at work is what I have a problem with.

Hal Sharpe

Beautifully said, I spent about 25 years in the Army and as a result can hardly walk now. The players have rights we never had while on active duty. I think the point is why pick such an important symbol to use for their protest. The other thin that takes away from their issue is the fact that they took a lazy “One hit wonder” as their leader.
Police brutality in any form is wrong. Get back on point.

Carl D.

Bill as usual you cut through the BS and tell it like it is. Those protests will accomplish nothing, except to further divide our great nation. I refuse to be a part of this silliness. College football is more exciting anyway.


The real sponsorship crisis in NASCAR has been the drip, drip, drip over the last decade because of repeated, unnecessary changes and gimmicks that no one has asked for.
As an aside, I would imagine Monster had thought long and hard about renewal before anything that came out of anyone’s mouth Sunday or Monday. Half-filled speedways and ratings each week prefaced by “lowest since” or “lowest ever” probably took care of that. I don’t think Monster has been completely on board in the first place.

Bill B

How is what Petty and Childress said any different from what the NFL written policy is on this topic? The real question is why didn’t the NFL enforce their own protocols when this first started in 2016? Once again because they are afraid of the PC leftist thugs that have hijacked the media and our culture.

Here’s what the game operations manual says regarding the national anthem, according to an NFL spokesperson:

The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses


I thought the same thing when I heard this on Hannity’s radio show last night while driving home.

so will the nfl enforce their penalties based on the actions of the players this weekend? probably not.

here’s the solution…..don’t show the anthem on tv, just show the teams liked up for the kick off.


That is a request not a rule. read the word should again. Further down penalties are not mandatory, read the word may again.

NFL owners have lots of lawyers at their beck and call ans were assuredly told they can’t limit free speech, read the constitution again. To make themselves look good, an unenforceable “rule” was written using weasel words. Having absolutely no effect is the result the owners were looking for.


Employers have every right to limit employees speech and expressions while representing the company as employees. You should probably read the Constitution again. It says that “government” can’t restrict your speech, it says nothing about employers. It happens all the time in America, employees are fired legally for violating a company’s policies, including speaking “wrongly” as a company representative. If you are paying the wages, you have every right to control what your employees can and cannot say in public while representing your company.


Cheers SteelBulldog!


They most certainly can limit speech in the workplace. You should re-read the Constitution. “Congress shall make no laws…” Doesn’t say anything about the NFL or NASCAR shall make no workplace rules. Employees can be fired for making political comments on the job that are detrimental to the business. They can’t be arrested for it but, they can damn sure be told to kick rocks and make their statements elsewhere on their own time. I am so tired of the Constitution being bastardized in this manner.

Bill B

If you’ve been paying attention, the offending statement doesn’t even need to occur on the job. Many people have been fired for something they’ve posted on social media outside of work on their own time.


Spot on Bill, that is exactly right.


So shouldn’t the lack of diversity in Nascar be the fault of the sponsors, since they essentially have essentially taken control of the sport over the last 10 years at least by being allowed to determine who they want in the car regardless of their talent level?

What a ridiculous article. Your really think Nascars death spiral just started this weekend?


This article is about the reaction that potential sponsors will likely have as a result of the comments made by Petty and Childress. As such I don’t think its too far off. No major company will want to be associated with what is PERCEIVED to be suppression of someones right to peacefully protest.
Surely there will be some smaller companies that believe they can take advantage of the niche market that are nascar fans. That will offset the blow to some degree but not entirely.
But we shall see whether it has a lasting impact. I suspect that will depend on whether the president continues to make it an issue.
BTW: See the president of Martinsville Speedway came out in support of Petty and Childress, so he must suspect it won’t have an impact.

Jerry Mallard

What is more divisive than disrespecting our National Anthem before the whole world.

Anyone other than me think Junior is smart enough to quote MLK and JFK? Sounds like words put in his mouth by a PR person.
Bowles is just like every other media person who is stirring by bringing up Nascar’s ancient past to sell a byline.


I thought the same thing. someone googled the quotes for him. I don’t believe he was a stellular


Bill B is well spoken and is right on about the present state of affairs Let me add that . Petty and Childress are from a generation where honor and respect meant something. Society is basically made up by three factors Language, Borders, and Culture.once these are eliminated we will no longer have a identity as a nation. All three are now under heavy Assault by the PC left. Sure North Korea and Iran would like to destroy our country but they need not worry, we are on a path of self implosion. Not respecting the flag and national Anthem is just another nail in the coffin. Speaking of coffin, I wonder how much longer it will be until putting a flag across a killed service member’s coffin will be deemed PC inappropriate?


How is it that the author finds it noble for corporations to join those who chose to disrespect our Country, instead of supporting those that respect the flag, and all that it stands for? I applaud Petty and Childress for having the strength of their convictions, and to stand up and support the Country!

NASCAR is losing sponsors and viewers, because they’ve been putting out a terrible product for years! The proliferation of cookie cutter tri-ovals, the boring no passing races (especially on the flat tracks like New Hampshire and Indy), the inconsistent rules and rule enforcement, and the artificial racing created by the “play offs” and stage racing, are among the reasons why fans and sponsors are running from NASCAR. NOT because two owners had the nerve to stand up for our Country.

The author brings up Smithfield leaving Petty, as an example why Petty should keep his mouth shut, well I say screw Smithfield. Smithfield choose to leave Petty Motorsports when they where told that Petty wanted to hire a black driver, and then went to Haas, where they agreed to sponsor the 10 car, if Haas got rid of the female currently driving the car! Smithfield is obviously a shining example of the success of NASCAR’s Drive for Diversity program, leaving a team who wanted a black driver, to go to a team that fired a female driver, to replace her with a white male! If the author wants an example of NASCAR’s “racist” past, he doesn’t need to look any further than Smithfield Foods!

I’m all for free speech and freedom of choice. The NFL players have every right to kneel during the anthem, and as their employers and regulatory body respectively, the team owners and NFL have the right to support their actions or stop it. Corporations have the right to choose to place their logo on team uniforms of players who refuse to stand for the anthem, and run ads during NFL games. But as a consumer, I also have the right not to watch NFL games, and to choose not to buy products from companies who advertise on NFL games or who pay the protesting players to endorse a product. I also have the right not to support any company that chooses to drop sponsorship of a NASCAR team, because the owner showed his support for our Country.

Finally, I find it particularly annoying when a sports writer allows his political bias to taint an article. Like so many in the media, it’s obvious that the writer doesn’t like Trump, and that’s his right, but when it colors and article, and causes it to become a one sided story, then it is inappropriate and misplaced.


Very well said.

Biff Baynehouse

Facts check:
– Aric “The Cuban Missile” Amirola IS A “D4D DRIVER”!
– Smithfield / RPM / SHR / AA / DP made announcements regarding Smithfield’s change long before The King made his Anthem statement this week.
– The author only mentions it (Smithfield) bc, hypothetically, will be more difficult for RPM & RCR to land new sponsors after making their intolerance to “free speech” self-evident, there-in narrowing the demographic they appeal to. Please PAY ATTENTION.


Well said,GLB!!!
Thank you

Earnhardt Wins #3

Tom this was by far the best article I’ve read on the matter which truly addresses the core issues and impact ” dollar wise” in a sport not only that repeatedly shoots itself in the foot . I’ve been a NASCAR fan for over 30 years and I stopped going to races two years ago , stopped watching it on TV last year with all of the rules changes and now these two dumb ass old farts in Childress and Petty makes it tougher for teams that don’t have much fuel left in the tank to stay in the sport . And you’re correct about Brad Daughtery where’s his big mouth at these days ? Yawn this sport has become a joke . Last statement does
Richard Petty even have employees that he can fire?


“dumb ass old farts?” Really? If you think that about men like Petty and Childress, you never went to a race where somebody else wasn’t footing the bill and I doubt that 30 years ago you even knew what stock car racing was. Last statement did you ever even watch Petty race?


You did not provide any facts to back up your total click bait headline.

Bill B

Does anyone see any parallels to our current situation and the 1950’s McCarthey era?
Back then you were labeled a communist if you didn’t adhere to what was considered PC by 1950’s standards, now you are called a racist (or worse).
The more things change the more they stay the same.


I don’t think Monster Energy is the only company having second thoughts about the deal they signed with Brian. How about the TV networks? I don’t think the team sponsors are the only ones leaving the sinking ship after realizing their ROI. I sure would like to hear Brian’s spiel when he meets with them.


If there is any problem with the sponsors, it is due to the product that NASCAR puts out on the track each week, not with these comments. I was a long-time NASCAR fan for about 30 years. I quit watching a couple of years ago. My only connection is coming on here each week.

Richard Petty and Richard Childress are two of the men who are responsible for making NASCAR as big as it was. BZF is now busy tearing that down.


I’m done with watching the NFL. Pretty soon I’ll be done with NASCAR. This “politically correct” direction the media and lother lefties write and talk about is pushing me away from what supposedly is sport and entertainment. As inspector Clouseau would say….”not anymore”.

Biff Baynehouse

Kudos Major Tom! You’ve summed this up nicely. Personally, I’m right in line with Mr. Murstein. So, I’ll only note how ironic it is that 45’s indignant & imbecilic rhetoric [fire the bishes] brought the NFL to it’s knees, literally & practically in unanimity, & inflated the displays ten-fold. Go figure: if you didn’t see that coming, get your eyes checked!
So, clearly by rule incompetent unintended consequences, now these displays have evolved from being anti-LEO, into anti-Trump. Remember that point of fact kidz. The former, I vehemently & whole heartily objected to. But the latter is clearly a VERY worthy cause, no doubt.
Regardless, INSULTING (which it does, despite many NFL player’s & pontiff’s irrational claims otherwise) America & the American’s who make / made it the greatest country in the history of the Universe (by taking a knee during the Anthem) is an ill-advised way to mitigate whatever (supposed) issues exist within it &/or whatever ails you.
As a USAF Desert Storm Vet, I will NEVER sign off completely on this form of display …for ANY reason. But now that Dumbass Don twit-bombed a phat whack of blissfully unenlightened ignorance & intolerance, I find the NFL player’s form of display & expression understandable, tolerable & practically warranted & legit.


Cheeto man certainly intended to provoke the reaction he got, this wasn’t accidental. And the reaction is two fold, neither of which have anything to do with the flag. On the players part when he cursed and insulted them they had to react. And they have reacted peacefully and within their rights. The owners have to show solidarity with their employees. In addition they resent some loudmouth telling them, many of whom are far more successful than the donald, how to run their business.
Meanwhile the real business of the country goes lacking.


“Cheeto man?” Bet you wouldn’t have called 44 “Mocha Man.” To bring physical insults into it instantly invalidated any point you were trying to make.


God I cringe when I see supposedly mature adults use that nasty term.


Russ, I disagree with you completely on this subject. Not that it flucking matters. YOUR OPINE, MY OPINE.

Kevin W Walker

I have never read an article so out of touch. NO talk yet of sponsor blowback against NASCAR. Boycott brewing up for sponsors of NFL. DirectTV now offering refunds for NFL package subscribers.


A few years ago, the Dale Jr. comments on any topic would resonate more with the NASCAR fan base. These days, frankly, he’s just another driver and it’s doubtful his words alter very many fans’ opinion on this. As someone alluded to yesterday, he’s essentially retired and just taking up one of the 40 (or 39 or 38 depending on the week) spots out on the track.


How many years did Nascar drivers sit in their cars for the national anthem? It wasnt’t until after 9/11 did Nascar mandate they stand ojtsidenthe car with the crews. Hypocrites.

Jim Russell

That old saying: “This ain’t your daddy’s NASCAR” could not be any more accurate than it is today. Stock car racing is an expensive proposition. Always has been. Today, it’s all about the money. You want to know why Bruton Smith blankets his venues with the military and waves the flag in your face at all his events? Because it makes him money. He has created a diabolical way to sell patriotism for fun and profit. Now everyone tries to outdo each other in being even more “patriotic” than the last guy.

NASCAR racing is becoming more irrelevant by the day. Fewer and fewer people pay any attention to it and the ratings show it every single week. I’m surprised any sponsors still spend 20 mil a year. Their ROI can’t be worth it. The sport has always been white and leaning to the conservative right. There is not anyone more Republican than Richard Petty so it’s no surprise he would make the comments he made. But guess what, his opinions are becoming less relevant by the hour. There will always be a die hard core fan base who will buy whatever product NASCAR is selling but the marketing platform that NASCAR has become will never return to the glory days of full bleachers and a big TV viewership. It’s a dying dinosaur. So when they say please stand and remove your hats for the preacher and the anthem singer, there won’t be anyone there to notice if anyone took a knee to protest the fact that the home of the brave and the land of the free doesn’t treat everyone equally, which is what the protesters are protesting about. It has nothing to do with disrespecting the country or the flag or the military. It has everything to do with treating some of it’s citizens differently. And the current president proves this very point by saying that his first amendment rights supersede your first amendment rights.


Total CRAP!. My free speech of course!

Jim Russell

Is that the sum total of your thoughts on this subject? Total Crap. Why don’t you sit down, turn off Fox News and explain to us which part of my comments are total crap.


First off, you showed your hand by the FOX NEWS comment, next in your retort to will be that I am racist. Which is a tired typical, lie. But hey..whatever you think is true, as truth does not seem to matter.

Why do you think, normal thinking people need a news show to tell them what to think? DO YOU?

Your first mistake is painting what these two icons of the sport said as POLITICAL, it is not. It is common sense and love of country. How anybody cannot see that is unreal. A work environment, for those of us who work, the sayings of PETTY AND CHILDRESS ring true. Whiners need not apply.

Secondly your big claim to fame in your post is “Equality” or I am guessing you think lack of. Where? Show me where? How are some treated differently in your world, your post? In reality everybody is treated differently, that is life and human nature. What utopia of BS are you being fed? You agree with these pampered lemming that make millions of dollars a year to throw a ball around, I don’t. They take a knee, or create a hashtag, and their feely good “social justice” bowel movement is complete, purged and onto the next feely good thing. Yesterday statues, today the perceieved injustice with the foundling of this great country, what is next? And there will be a “next”. The lefty loons do not stop. What are they doing about black on black crime? What are they doing about the crime in Chicago? What are they doing? Are they donating their salaries? What are they doing WITH MEANING, and what examples of this inequality are you referencing their angst and strife against? I would love to know. Stop with the one word…give examples. Again, your post was total crappola!

Jim Russell

This conversation reflects the division we are seeing in the country. I don’t give a crap about professional athletes or anyone else taking a knee as a sign of protest for whatever they are protesting about. What I do care about is their right to protest in the first place. When the SOB running this country use patriotism as a weapon to stifle protest, it demeans the word “patriotism”. When business owners say they will fire their employees if they have an opinion about something, I’ll speak out about that being wrong. Problems cannot be solved if we are unwilling to admit there are problems. In the meantime, you can continue through life ignorant and unwilling to face facts. Just stand and remove your hat and bow your head and think about the troops who are giving their lives to protect our oil supply so that those brave drivers can give you a good show.


Sure, patriotic displays are “diabolical” capitalism while all the anthem kneelers are fighting the good social justice warrior crusade. Put down the Washington Post and step away. Sheesh.

Jim Russell

I’ll put down the Washington Post when you turn off Fox News. If you are of the belief that this country is 100% correct in everything it does, then stand and salute the flag and sing those words louder than the guy standing next to you. I, for one, will protest things that are wrong and try to make them right. You will call yourself a patriot and call me a terrorist. You will be wrong and I’ll be right.


You’re not a terrorist. You just want everyone with a tan to get a free pass.

Ken Smith

Like most all lefties, he just thinks everyone should agree with him !

Brian H

What is NASCAR’s big injustice against black people. Are they telling people that can’t participate? Are they tell black fans not to come to the races? I don’t see you throwing a fit about most players in the NFL being of color. Where’s the press when the player for the Seahawks flat out lies about being profiled in Las Vegas? Let’s face it, there has been much more reverse discrimination in this country over the past 10 years than ever before. NFL teams being forced to interview minority candidates for coaching jobs. It’s all about who can perform the best when it comes to players, but in other areas that is not the case. Case in point, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are the two biggest racists in this country and they continue to operate without repercussion. Until those two clowns are exposed for what they are, injustices against minorities have absolutely no credibility.


I have stories that go back much longer than 10 years ago regarding the Affirmative actions hiring’s and the firing of perfectly good employees over the bad apples of color. It has been going on for a long time. Look at college admissions, who gets a free ride, who’s scores are handicapped at the expense of the Affirmative action crowd. Asians and white males are discriminated against hourly, but SHHHHHHHH…you can’t say that. Little JIMMY lives in a bubble of unicorns and seeming hatred for this country. But don’t tell lil’ Jimmy that. He drinks the indoctrination HOOCH.


AGAIN JIMMY, specific examples of what is wrong. This nation, no nation is perfect…SO WHAT ARE YOU EXAMPLES, that you feel a whole nation should bend too?


You had me until the last few sentences. Its being proven that there are alot of people that don’t know what the first amendment means. Jim is one of them.


Nascar has been dead for years…they just don’t know it!

Joseph Jacalone

This lefty columnist is using this issue to display his utter hatred for President Trump. As many of you have stated, I am sick and tired of media and celebrities using their forums to promote their personal agendas. When I read a sports column, I want to read about sports. I would bet this writer will find a cold climate the next time he tries to get quotes in the garage area. Except maybe from Earnhardt, what a dimbulb! Make no mistake about, this country is under attack by the left on everything that built it into the greatest country in history. Go RP and RC!!


AMEN! They hate America (THE LEFTY LOONS) and want to erase it’s history and reshape it in their sick twisted utopia. This is part of that plan, a well organized plan! They hate this country and everything it stands for, why they are still here as petulant children is beyond me. Go away, find another country great as this, you won’t. Try CUBA is seems or to the lefty liking. NOT YOU JOSEPH the insanely stupid left. And lord knows they walk among us every day. Loony tunes! It is amazing how dumb so many people are. Scary!


Don’t know where you have been for past couple of years but sponsorship has declined (1) low tv viewership (2) empty seats in the stands. Plain and simple, so hard for you people to understand. Beyond reason. An epidemic of stupitity in theis country, especially the media!!


Sorry I am late to the party but,Tom Bowles, nice try. You are trying to incite discord where non exists so far. Your just another liberal with an agenda. Here are some facts you can study.

In professional football and basketball the path to the big leagues are paid by some one else. Scholarships, AAU leagues, its some one else who pays for your training. Not a racial thing its 100%.

In auto racing it is different. You have to want to bad enough to pay your own way. Sure lots of parents foot the bill for young racers. But African American parents want their kids to pursue stick and ball sports.

There is nothing racist about the road to success in auto racing, you just have to want to.