NASCAR on TV this week

Voices From the Heartland: Calling It Like I See It – Contrived NASCAR Controversy

OK, here’s the deal.

You want me to write about how good the state of NASCAR is in?

You want me to write about some feel good crap that umpteen other writers have already written about this week?

No, that ain’t my style.

I’ve been doing this writing thing for a while on this site. That and the Top 10 list…and I’m gonna tell you what.

I’m a fan of racing first! I penned my first column many years ago as a drunken fan in a bar on a bet. I’m not afraid of clapping for what I think is right or a great thing. What I write in this space has always been my opinion, and mine alone. I respect if you don’t agree with it, but that is your prerogative. I shoot straight and I use common sense. (A trait that is severely lacking in a lot of today’s so called NASCAR fans.)

So no, I’m not going to say a photo finish fixed a race filled with a two-car draft I hate, a system that in my mind isn’t racing. Yeah, strong opinions have defined my tenure as a writer here at Frontstretch; and, as you can imagine, strong opinions mean I have received more hate mail than most of you receive email. I have learned early on to take it with a grain of salt. After all, what I write is commentary.

It is, by definition, my opinion. Plus I have always tried, with mostly success I might add, to interject some humor into what I write. I understand that your opinion may be different. But do you really want to know what riles me? People that are downright stupid!

I’m not just talking about fans or lay people, but some journalists as well.

Did you know (‘cuz I sure didn’t) there was some “controversy” over Jimmie Johnson winning the race last Sunday? First I heard about it was during our weekly Mirror Driving meeting with my fellow Frontstretch staffers! When I asked (as did others) just exactly what the controversy was about… turns out some “respected” (i.e. more famous than me) journalists had immediately started “twittering” things about J.J. going under the yellow line.

See also
Mirror Driving: Playing by NASCAR Rules, Speed Dating & Silliness

Are you serious? Did they not see what we all saw, multiple video replays that Johnson was clearly “above” or “on” the yellow line… not under it? Do we really need some “reporter” to put doubts in our mind? I think not!!!!

For the record, I do not twit, tweet or… OK, I’m leaving twat out, but really, do we need contrived controversy, brought on by a few idiots in the mainstream media to make a storyline? No, we do not. Just because you need something to talk about doesn’t mean you insinuate someone broke a rule.

And not only are there well named people in the media that act irresponsibly, the fan base is also rife with them. Take, for instance, the following.

It is common knowledge that, every other week, I author a Frontstretch Top 10 list that is published on Wednesdays. Yesterday, the Top 10 list that was published clearly stated that it was written by fans! Yes, I put the topic out there on my Facebook page along with the Frontstretch writers one, asking the fans to write it for me. Yet, even though my laziness was glaringly apparent to some (such as my girlfriend) AND attached to a disclaimer at the beginning, I still received the following hate mail:

From Marybeth: “Jeff, Junior does a lot more creditable job at his job than you do at yours.”

From WalNutzFan: “PLEASE, Come up with something better – – – or go do something else!!!”

From pepper: “What a waste of time. Is this the only level on which your brain works?”

Hey, you guys, did you not see that I didn’t actually write it? At least you could have been honest like Bette, who said…

“I really don’t care for this type of article no matter who writes it.”

I respect Bette for her opinion. She paid attention and stated it clearly.

As for the rest of you, whether you be fellow journalists or fans, don’t try and sensationalize and try and make a story when there isn’t one. And, as always think before you open your mouth or try and type something that is downright stupid.

As always, I shoot straight from the hip. The general appearance of NASCAR would be better off if you did, too, whether a journalist or a fan.

Stay off the wall, (I do)

Jeff Meyer

The Frontstretch Staff is made up of a group of talented men and women spread out all over the United States and Canada. Residing in 15 states throughout the country, plus Ontario, and widely ranging in age, the staff showcases a wide variety of diverse opinions that will keep you coming back for more week in and week out.

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