Editor’s Note: He’s baack! Catch Jeff Meyer’s Republican musings on the Frontstretch Top 10 every other week, with Democrats Kim DeHaven and Amy Henderson keeping things balanced the weeks Jeff takes a breather.
10. A Clinton/France campaign for President in ’08.
9. “The Chase has been successful because it has done what it was designed to do,” France said. “It has reenergized our sport. And now, a good thing is about to get better. We have done that, and we feel like the sport – and the sport’s fans – will benefit.”
8. The debut the Car of Tomorrow at Bristol.
7. The Car of Tomorrow in general.
6. “The adjustments taken today put a greater emphasis on winning races,” said NASCAR Chairman and CEO Brian France. “Winning is what this sport is all about. We want our sport – especially during the Chase – to be more about winning.”
The adjustment? Five more points for a win and a “seeding system” for the final 10 races. “That wetness you feel down your back is rain! Honest!”
5. NASCAR pretending nothing is wrong with “Buschwhackers.”
4. Remember Marty Smith? Bill Weber?
3. The continued insistence that a second date in Fontana will someday sell out. (Or the first one, for that matter.)
2. That the “Busch Series” is suddenly worth twice what Busch was paying to sponsor it. ($30 million vs. $15 million)
1. Johnny Sauter in a full-time Cup ride!
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